School is in full swing and now that Isaac reports on more than just what he ate for lunch, my heart is at ease. Both of the kids are loving school and we are really happy with it as parents as well. Isaac is now reading at a 14th grade level and will be going off to college as of next year. Wish him luck! He is in full swing with fall soccer and plays on a 1st grade boys team through the parks and rec department here in Naperville. He has made friends easily (shocker) and still has cheeks that any one of you could bbq for dinner. My favorite Isaac quote for the month came just two days ago when Cora and Anna were trying to describe summer church camp for next year. After 45 minutes of getting Ike pumped up to attend camp he said, quite honestly, "Ya! Mom, can I go by myself pleeeeaaasssee? Um. Wait a minute. Guys.....I don't know if I can read my bible for an hour though." You gotta love this kid.
Sadie is doing well in school and still enjoying gymnastics. She has chosen to be in the school chorus so once a week she goes to school an hour early for practice and will have 3 concerts throughout the year. She was also chosen to be an "ambassador" at her school so every Friday she gets to go to a 3rd grade classroom and help another student with school. She loves both of these new opportunities. Miraculously, the child WILL get to compete as a level 7 gymnast this year because and ONLY because of the support of all of you who sponsored her Tumble a Thon. Sadie was able to raise the entire $1300 she needed this year in order to be able to compete. Thank you so much from the bottom of her heart!!!!!
"Look Mom! I finally got my giants!"

A school field trip to Danada Farms Forest Preserve
"Look Mom! I finally got my giants!"
A school field trip to Danada Farms Forest Preserve
Sadie's teacher, Ms. Swift, is in the green shirt

Sadie w/a good buddy from school, Niya

Frontera Grill

Red-Headed Amy in front of the Red-Head Piano Bar

Man, they are growing up fast!!!!!!
Sadie w/a good buddy from school, Niya
Sadie also turned 10 this month. Didn't know THAT could bring such stress. All she wanted was a scavenger hunt. That's it. Simple. Fun. No problem. Until I realized that meant I had to somewhat perform. I couldn't be the mom who had the dud of a scavenger hunt. But what the $%#^ IS a scavenger hunt? Are you supposed to be looking for something? Is there a prize at the end for everyone that we couldn't possibly afford? Will my clues be too easy? Will my clues be too hard? All of a sudden it was no longer about my daughter turning 10 it was about her mother going down into the Guinness Book of World Records for, notably, the coolest party ever. Nonetheless (and, no, it wasn't the coolest party ever but I think they had fun), I stayed up until 1 a.m. the night before writing clues because I don't succeed at ANYTHING without procrastinating. Eight girls crammed our house for a slumber party, we had fondue for dessert and all was quiet on the midwestern front.
September and October were also busy months for seeing friends and family! Mariah's mom came for a week in September and although she couldn't possibly imagine making banana bread with chocolate chips in it like her crazy daughter does, we had a GREAT time seeing her! The kids were happy to have her walk them to school and show her off. Just last week we were able to spend some wonderful time with our wonderful friends Kelly and Amy. In town on business, and celebrating an anniversary, we actually found that Kelly and Amy showed Mark and I more of Chicago then we showed them! We had long talks and long walks coupled with a couple of trips to some really fun places. We visited the John Hancock building's 96th floor lounge (with an AMAZING view of the city, especially from the ladie's bathroom), the Red Head Piano Bar where we spent hours singing around a piano, one of Rick Bayless' Mexican restaurants called the Frontera Grill which, by the way, had the best Mexican food I have ever put into my mouth and, more than anything, just had some very valuable time with people very dear to our hearts. We thank God for that refreshment. Last but certainly not least, our best friends came to visit us again from Michigan. We visited the Aquarium and Planetarium in Chicago for the first time and mostly just enjoyed watching Gianni embrace his future career as a stunt man. I swear God made that kid out of rubber.
Frontera Grill
Red-Headed Amy in front of the Red-Head Piano Bar
Man, they are growing up fast!!!!!!
Mark is recovering from two weeks off of work b/c he is on a year round schedule. It was nice to be able to spend time together and have him get involved in the kids' daily schedules with school and such. He continues to love his job and where he is teaching although he would welcome the chance to teach closer to home at any time in the future.
I obtained a part time job near the end of September as a Children's Program Coordinator for World Reliefe, a refugee resettlement agency. I only work 10-12 hours per week and it is absolutely perfect with the children's schedule and my desire to be an "at home mom". It has helped financially and to God we are grateful for that. Should I attend graduate school at UIC next Fall, World Relief could also be an internship site for me and I have LOVED the thought of that since I was doing undergrad studies in Idaho six years ago!
Whew! I think that about covers it. With so much to say there is little time left over for humor. But hopefully you feel caught up on our life and, rest assured, we'd love to get caught up on all of yours. We hope fall is bringing you peace as the "mellow" time of year rolls around.
Whew! I think that about covers it. With so much to say there is little time left over for humor. But hopefully you feel caught up on our life and, rest assured, we'd love to get caught up on all of yours. We hope fall is bringing you peace as the "mellow" time of year rolls around.
Awesome update. The kids are lookin' good. :) Can't wait to see you guys at Christmas. Is this really the "mellow" time of year????? It seems like they already have Santa suits in the stores....and Halloween hasn't even happened! Vive la consumerism I suppose....
ReplyDeleteBig hugs and lots o' love,
Mellow?! We'll be there in 4 days!
ReplyDeleteBBQed Ikey cheeks, my favorite summer supper!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love the picture of my oh-so ladylike daughter sprawled on the couch...good grief!
Had so much fun and we miss you already; I came home to an absolute zoo and thought "where's my Shafer Chateau when I need it??"