Isaac, on the other hand, reports daily that he forgot to ask anyone if they wanted to play with him, can't remember the name of who he sat by at the lunch table and doesn't remember what he learned or if he has any homework. Mothers of this NORMAL???? He's like a vault baby. I can't get anything out of this kid except that he liked the chocolate milk he drank in the lunchroom. Can he hold his own? I don't know! Does he want a girlfriend? I don't know! Is he planning on having kids? I don't know! And there is NO planned parenthood for boys!!!!
Homeschooling is looking better and better by the minute......where's my Lexapro?

He lost that second bottom tooth just yesterday

At least they knew SOMEONE! They had met Michelle a week before school and she and Sadie are in the same class. Isaac loves playing with Michelle's younger sister, Makayla.

Anyone know where my Lexapro is? I wasn't joking when I asked earlier. Suddenly I can't breathe. My children are about to enter a school with 725 other little varmants that I am convinced are planning on eating them alive.

Or maybe their just planning on marrying them early and having babies by the time their 20. Well, phew.....NOTHING TO PANICK ABOUT THEN!!!!!